Social Media Marketing Buffalo NY

There are two critical components you must consider as part of a successful marketing strategy: Generating short-term (think, immediate) leads and building your brand and filling your funnel in the long run.

Many digital marketing agencies focus on one or the other. And execution is often sloppy, with strategy nearly non-existent. Marketing is a pretty big chunk of your budget, no matter how you look at it.  It’s critical that you ensure your marketing budget is being allocated toward successful design and implementation of both short- and long-term strategy. And social media strategies play a big role in both of them.

Business growth relies on regularly sending traffic from your target audience to your website. Most companies focus their social media content on driving traffic to the site – and that’s it. Unfortunately, Facebook and other social media platforms have caught onto this “tactic.” The result? Businesses that put lazy effort into social media get poor results. You may not even be reaching the right potential customers!

That leaves an AMAZING opportunity for your business to invest in a strategy that gets the fundamentals right, generating immediate traffic to your site, AND building trust and brand awareness with those who fit your ideal customer profile but aren’t yet ready to contact your office.

You deserve a marketing partner with a team of experts who will maximize every dollar of your budget for the best results. Call today for a free consultation: 716-202-9040.

Social media marketing Buffalo NY

Social Media Essentially Generates Free Leads

So much in marketing today is “pay to play.” Google ads, even Facebook ads, traditional advertising. Social media advertising is BIG business (and we can help with that, too!). But, social media is still by and large a way to generate free leads. Think about it - you post things that are helpful and interesting to your ideal customers.

They’re either ready to contact your business about your services, or they aren’t quite there yet. But, because you’re sharing great content every day, you stay top of mind with them. So that when they ARE ready, they think of contacting YOU first. No ads necessary.

Now, that’s not to say that ads aren’t important and useful. But as I keep mentioning, the best social media marketing services for companies involve strategic design and tactics that focus on immediate lead generation while nurturing people across your sales cycles. Few companies understand this and execute on it effectively.

But when you work with the social media team here at Bump, you can rest assured we will create and execute a social media strategy that builds your brand AND generates leads from your social media accounts.

Social media marketing Buffalo NY services

Differentiate Your Business From the Competition Through Social Media

While Facebook continues to be the most powerful platform for most businesses to generate sales leads on social media, there is ample opportunity across other platforms.

As with other tactics outlined here on the Bump site, social media works in tandem with your website (and other marketing tactics) to build your brand and generate both short- and long-term leads, filling pipeline and keeping it full so that your business can see sustained growth.

We offer done-for-you content writing for Facebook, plus guidance, strategies, and content that you can share across all social media platforms. We even write executive and owner LinkedIn profile copy, and can write content for your executive team and ownership to share on their personal LinkedIn profiles - a platform that has emerged as especially powerful (and underrated) for many industries.

There is so much opportunity right now for your business to see significant growth through social media strategy and implementation. But you need the right partner to help devise and implement a strategy. Contact me today or call 716-202-9040 to learn more.

Buffalo web development

Your Social Media Presence Affects Search Engine Optimization

If you've been reading this site, you have already taken a "crash course" in search engines and search engine marketing. But, it's important to understand the incredible reach that can be achieved through social media profiles when they are holistically considered as part of your marketing strategy. Social media is one of the major ways to improve content marketing and digital strategy results. In fact, social media is a critical part of successful part of local SEO.

The right web design and a mobile-friendly website, combined with content creation across the right social media channels, led by a social media expert within the right digital marketing firm can help small businesses and businesses of all sizes in Western New York to achieve measurable results.

Our social media campaigns augment the work we do as part of our ongoing marketing strategies, leveraging our years of experience to maximize your social media marketing efforts, and ALL your marketing efforts.

Be careful when you hire a "social media management company" to just "post on Facebook." That's because you end up spending a lot of money without generating very much in the way of results. Best practices in marketing take a holistic approach, and that's what the marketing professionals at Bump offer you.

Your social media will work with your website, your blog content, your ads, and your SEO to maximize every dollar of your budget and help you beat the competition. It's powerful. But you have to choose the right digital marketing agency. Call today at 716-202-9040 to schedule a free consultation.



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